Face 37

Look Closer

Spend a minute looking at the unique details of this beautiful face.

What do you see?

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Look Deeper

It was hard getting a smile out of this amazing woman! But I knew I had to at some point!

The more I looked at her, admiring her lines, features and face shape I couldn’t help but smile at her beauty.

I’d say she was the shyest model I’ve had the privilege of photographing during #40Faces. And I am forever grateful for her.

Take a minute to get to know every detail about her.

She is beautiful and so are you!



Let nothing keep you from smiling at yourself!


Pin it!


Looking Back

Why did you want to participate in #40Faces?

Because I love to help you out and to show my daughter that beauty isn’t about make up and jewelry.

What were your feelings and thoughts while I was taking your pictures?

Very self conscious, I was thinking, “I hate my teeth, I hate my picture taken.”

What were your first and honest thoughts when you saw your pictures for the first time?

I always hate pictures of myself. The more I looked at it though I could see the beauty in my face even the parts I hate. I probably wouldn’t put it on my wall but it has grown on me.

Before #40Faces what was your perception of beauty? What did you think of yourself? Others? 

Teeth are a huge part of beauty to me. I think someone with a beautiful smile is so pretty. I wouldn’t change anything else about my face but I would change my teeth. I don’t look in the mirror and see beauty. I find most people who don’t wear a lot of makeup, very minimal are much more beautiful to me then the very done up people. Although I do think wearing fun make up sometimes depending on the situation can be pretty. I find that I don’t look in the mirror now when I wake up and think I need to get makeup on.

What was your favorite post in the series, other than your own, why?

Skyler and Kiani, young innocent beauties. Not needing makeup at all to feel secure in front of the camera.


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